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                     The Gods & Goddesses

There are many Gods & Goddesses and you may honor and seek guidance from them all or you may have one or two that you look to. It is for you to decide. Below is a collection of data that we were able to find on the Gods. Our ancestors knew of many Gods, and saw them as divided into two tribes; the Aesir and the Vanir.
The Aesir are the Gods of Order and Justice, societal functions, military necessity, and agriculture.
The Vanir are the Gods of Earth and Nature, and preside over the natural forces of the world.
There is a third group that is not talked about or honored but still part of our religion none the less and you will understand why that is once you read about them below.
The Jotnar are giants who are in a constant state of war with the Aesir. They represent chaos and destruction. At the battle of Ragnarok, many of the Gods will die; the world will come to an end and be reborn.
This list is not all encompassing, there are more and depending on which of the Noridc religious sects you follow you may find some differences such as names may be spelled differently or what position or realm they may have hold over may change.
Odin All Father of the Gods, wise, intelligent, and master of magic, He is always wandering seeking knowledge. He treasures knowledge so much he gave his right eye in ransom for it. And for wisdom he did more as illustrated below.
I know I hung on that windswept tree,
Swung there for nine long nights,
Wounded by my own blade,
Bloodied for Odin,
Myself an offering to myself,
Bound to the tree,
That no man knows,
Whither the roots of it run,
None gave me bread,
None gave me drink,
Down to the deepest depths I peered,
Until I spied the Runes,
With a roaring cry I seized them up,
Then dizzy and fainting,
I fell Well-being I won
And wisdom too,
I grew and took joy in my growth,
From a word to a word,
I was led to a word,
From a deed to another deed
Frigg All Mother and wife of Odin, Frigga presides over marriage, motherhood and fidelity. It is also said that Frigga has knowledge of all things to come, but remains forever silent and does not give prophecies.
Thor Thunder god, slayer of giants, and the warder of the Earth. Thor sends lightning, thunder, and life giving rain. Thor is a God of agriculture and farmers, of the working man laboring in the fields and forges. Thor wields the mighty hammer known as “Mjollnir.”
Balder God of light, innocence, peace and rebirth, is always cheerful, caring, and willing to listen and help.
Freya Lady of Nature, and patroness of strong, independent women. Freya is the Goddess of fertility, war and wealth. Chief of the Valkyries she selects the noble and heroic dead that are taken to Valhalla.
Freyr The Lord of Nature, wild animals, the forest and all that grows.
OstaraThe patroness of spring, fertility, and new life. She is said to be beautiful, cheerful, sensual and she enjoys dancing and good company.
Hod A blind god of winter and darkness.
Loki is seen as a trickster god and a trouble maker. He is full of humor, wit, questioning, pranks and parodies. But he also has the darker side as well which serve as an object lesson of what can happen when things go wrong.
Njord God of wind and sea, father to the divine twins, Freya and Freyr. Njord calms storms and protects those on the ocean.
Tyr God of war and justice It is said that he sacrificed his right to Fenrir the Wolf, as the gods bound the beast to prevent its destruction until Ragnarok. He symbolizes will and desire.
Heimdall Watchman of the Gods, Heimdall guards the gate and bridge into Asgard. It is said that he was born of the Elder Gods.
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